The official weblog of ClickBook streamlines the process of appointment scheduling for small business, schools and other organisations. For technical updates please visit the Technical Blog.

    December Preview

    Mark Demicoli  6 November 2011 01:32:00 AM
    Santa's little helpers are at it again this year, with some great new features coming to ClickBook.

    Most prominently is the ability to select multiple services as part of a single booking, in a 'shopping cart' style.  This is a long requested feature and will make for a valuable addition for your customers.  Clients will be able to choose 'add-ons' to their standard services, and have the total price calculated as a single booking.

    We are also working to streamline the look and user friendliness of ClickBook.  We've hired one of the best firms in the business to this end.  Vizualise are hard at work right now coming up with a brand new look and refurbishing the whole booking process.

    Many more features are in the pipeworks, including a Facebook app, so stay tuned!