The official weblog of ClickBook streamlines the process of appointment scheduling for small business, schools and other organisations. For technical updates please visit the Technical Blog.

Seamless website integration is here!

Mark Demicoli  23 December 2009 11:10:06 PM
First of all, seasons greetings and we hope you've all had a stellar year, as we most certainly have.  As usual, we've been quietly beavering away back here coming up with new features, and this year we've got a Christmas treat for our loyal fans.

For years, ClickBook has provided your business with an effective booking system that provides many many benefits to your day-to-day operations.  One of the less tangible benefits is the impression of professionalism it gives to your customers.

However, the missing link that seamlessly ties ClickBook to your website and directory listings has long been missing, and we're pleased to say that it's finally here.  The Book Now button or link will now open a mini window over the top of your website, so that appointments can be made without ever leaving your site.

A recent forum post from Paul De Roo spurred us into action.  A sense of humor goes a long way around here.  Thanks Paul, and you don't have to look like a "tight @rse" any longer!

To make it happen on your site, you will need to update the code that you had previously added to your pages.  The How To on this follows.

While signed-in to your ClickBook Booking Center, click on the Help tab and locate the instructions at the very bottom.  There are two options, the Book Now button or a "Schedule an appointment" link.  If you opt for the latter, you can alter the link text to your liking by modifying the part of the code after "title="

Here's what it looks like.  Best wishes for the festive season from the growing ClickBook Team!

Image:Seamless website integration is here!


1Mark Demicoli  17/10/11 10:43:59 AM  Widget

The widget code is detailed on the final screen of the registration, and also the very first topic on the Help tab.

2Mark Demicoli  17/10/11 10:42:35 AM  Thanks

Thanks Yosh, a double edged sword if I ever saw one! :) Yes we have focused on the functionality rather than the obviousness of functions, however we are refocusing over the next few months to improve documentation and usability.

3Yosh  17/10/11 6:54:07 AM  Untitled

Wow your tech guys need to look at some of the comments is clear an engineer designed the UI, because it is a failure.

This took me like 45 minutes to find/figure out where to get the "book now" button. Very frustrating User Interface. This is the only piece of information that a new user really wants to find and you make them go on an arduous hunt through the thick trees and shrubbery of information on your website to get it?! What?? It should be in bright bold letters....GET THE WIDGET HERE. Or get the BOOK NOW button here!

Also the overall UI needs an overhaul. Other than that, great job, and thanks for the service. You guys will make a killing in this market...

4Miro Hodza  20/10/10 10:24:33 PM  Lots of comment but where is the WIDGET???

I must be blind or something. It is just defeating me. Where is this widget??? I keep looking for it and all I can find is people saying how good it is to now have it! Even searching the blog for it reveals ... well comments at best. Is this the best kept secret or am I somehow missing the bleeding obvious - it wouldn't be the first time... but seriously please help me find this widget feature.

best wishes to you all,


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{ Link }

5Margots  31/03/10 1:07:55 AM  Where are the instructions

Hi, I have difficult time to locate the instructions on how to incorporate this button in our website. Would you please post the link that brings to those instructions?

Thank You

6Attila  13/01/10 5:36:11 AM  Thanks from Romania

Many thanks to new feature!

I wish to contribute with romanian translation..

How can I make that?

7Giuseppe Totino  29/12/09 11:44:16 PM  Great addition! Thanks

To start using this great software I really need it to syng two ways (!) with Google Cal. Can you please add this possibility ASAP!!! :)


8Serge Rivest  24/12/09 10:32:42 AM  Good move

A feature that makes clickbook a more better service by integrating into it's client's business. Professional and good looking. Good job.

9Breanna Iwaszko  24/12/09 10:31:44 AM  Thanks

Awesome - clickbook rocks!!!

10Matthew SHane St Grmain-Donnelly  24/12/09 5:57:21 AM  New Interface


11Ms Ali  24/12/09 4:36:47 AM  Seamless website integration

Thanks soooo much! And Happy Holidays to everyone @ clickbook. This is excellent we really needed this feature. Most appreciative!

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